A long time ago one of my friends said to me, that people love drama, because of the big feelings and intense emotions it brings up in us. I thought about that a lot over the years and…
- I think she’s right.
- I’m totally guilty of that.
When I started this blog, some people told me, that yoga and drama should be mutually exclusive. And in general: They’re right.
Reality however is, that we’re all human and many of us have very imperfect, yet very human reactions, thoughts and feelings during their practice. Yes, I know.. Ideally we should be focused on our breath, the bandhas and drishti at all times, but in reality I often overhear conversations between the teacher and other students in the Mysore room or think about how it really pissed me off, how the student next to me belittled my practice the other day. Sometimes I cry, because I’m so frustrated, sometimes I’m ecstatic, because my practice felt great. Ashtanga is a very intense practice for me, which is what I love about it. At least most of the time. This blog is my outlet to process and reflect on all the “drama in the shala”, I seem to experience on the regular both on and off the yoga mat.
I’m very flawed, imperfect and very aware of that, but my hope is, that some of you can relate and will enjoy my musings on yoga, life and everything in between.
If you want to learn more about this blog, click HERE.